Are you ready to put your Hungarian language skills to the test?
Below is a list of conversation scenarios in various contexts, from ordering food at a restaurant to asking for directions or introducing yourself in a business setting. Mastering these situations will allow you to engage naturally and become a native Hungarian speaker!
If have already been studying Hungarian at university or by yourself using textbooks, Youtube videos or even language learning apps on your phone then we suggest that you try to answer the questions after each dialogue to see how good your Hungarian language skills really are.
If you are struggling you can find the translation in English under each sentence or if you still can't follow along we suggest that you review our core Hungarian vocabulary and fundamental Hungarian grammar sections on this website or download the Complete Hungarian Master Course to boast your proficiency even further.
Greetings & Introductions
Introducing yourself and others
Asking and answering about names, origin, and age
Meeting New People
Asking and answering questions about hobbies and jobs
Discussing likes and dislikes
Everyday Small Talk
Asking about the weather
Talking about your day
Hobbies & Free Time
Talking about personal interests
Sharing opinions about food, movies, or music
Travel & Tourism
Booking tours or excursions
Asking for recommendations
Asking for Directions
Asking where something is
Understanding directions (left, right, straight ahead)
At a Restaurant or Café
Ordering food and drinks
Asking for recommendations
Asking about the menu (ingredients, portion size)
Asking for the bill
Asking about prices and discounts
Describing what you’re looking for
Paying and asking for change
Returning or exchanging items
At the Hotel
Booking a room
Asking about facilities (Wi-Fi, breakfast, parking)
Requesting room service or housekeeping
Making a Phone Call
Starting and ending a call
Leaving a message
Asking to speak to someone
At the Doctor’s Office
Describing symptoms
Asking for treatment or medication
Making an appointment
Asking about bus/train schedules
Buying tickets
Asking for information about stops and routes
Social Events
Accepting or declining invitations
Talking about parties, gatherings, and holidays
Complimenting and thanking the host
Visiting Someone’s Home
Giving and receiving compliments
Offering or accepting food and drinks
Discussing family and home life
At Work or School
Introducing yourself to colleagues/classmates
Asking for clarification or help
Participating in meetings or discussions
Asking for help
Reporting an accident or theft
Calling emergency services
At the Bank
Opening a bank account
Asking about loans or currency exchange
Withdrawing or depositing money
At the Post Office
Sending mail or packages
Asking about delivery options
Buying stamps

Download our complete Hungarian language course below to learn Hungarian in 30 days and never be at a loss for words!
You will receive not only all the contents available on our website in a convenient pdf or epub formats but also additional contents, including bonus vocabulary, more grammar structures and exclusive cultural insights with additional vocabulary you won't in any other textbook.
The course includes real life conversation situations and exercises to practice speaking Hungarian on your own. By using our course you will be gradually able to speak about any subject with confidence!
Péter: Jó reggelt! Hogy van ma?
Translation (select text): Good morning! How are you today?
Maria: Jó reggelt! Köszönöm, jól vagyok. És ön?
Translation (select text): Good morning! Thank you, I’m doing well. And you?
Péter: Én is jól vagyok, köszönöm. Engedje meg, hogy bemutatkozzam: Kovács Péter vagyok.
Translation (select text): I’m doing well too, thank you. Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Péter Kovács.
Maria: Örülök, hogy megismerhetem, Kovács úr. A nevem Maria Lopez.
Translation (select text): Nice to meet you, Mr. Kovács. My name is Maria Lopez.
Péter: Szintén örvendek, Maria. Ön Spanyolországból származik, igaz?
Translation (select text): Nice to meet you too, Maria. You’re from Spain, right?
Maria: Igen, pontosan. Madridban születtem. És ön?
Translation (select text): Yes, that’s correct. I was born in Madrid. And you?
Péter: Budapesti vagyok, de most Pécsen élek. Hány éves, ha megkérdezhetem?
Translation (select text): I’m from Budapest, but I currently live in Pécs. How old are you, if I may ask?
Maria: Természetesen! Harminckét éves vagyok. És ön?
Translation (select text): Of course! I’m 32 years old. And you?
Péter: Negyvenkét éves vagyok. Maria, találkozott már a kollégámmal, Réka Nagyval?
Translation (select text): I’m 42 years old. Maria, have you already met my colleague, Réka Nagy?
Maria: Még nem, de nagyon örülnék, ha bemutatna neki.
Translation (select text): Not yet, but I’d be very happy if you introduced me to her.
Péter: Természetesen! Réka, hadd mutassam be Maria Lopez-t, spanyol üzleti partnerünket.
Translation (select text): Of course! Réka, let me introduce Maria Lopez, our business partner from Spain.
Réka: Nagyon örülök, Maria! Üdvözlöm Magyarországon!
Translation (select text): Very nice to meet you, Maria! Welcome to Hungary!
Maria: Köszönöm, Réka. Ez az első látogatásom itt, de már most nagyon tetszik az ország.
Translation (select text): Thank you, Réka. This is my first visit here, but I already like the country a lot.
Réka: Ez nagyszerű! Nos, nekem mennem kell. Viszontlátásra, Maria! Öröm volt megismerni!
Translation (select text): That’s wonderful! Well, I have to go. Goodbye, Maria! It was a pleasure meeting you!
Maria: Viszontlátásra, Réka! Hamarosan találkozunk.
Translation (select text): Goodbye, Réka! See you soon.
Péter: Nekem is lassan indulnom kell. Remélem, hamarosan újra találkozunk. Viszontlátásra, Maria!
Translation (select text): I also have to leave soon. I hope we meet again soon. Goodbye, Maria!
Maria: Viszontlátásra, Péter! Köszönöm a kedves fogadtatást.
Translation (select text): Goodbye, Péter! Thank you for the warm welcome.
Where is Maria Lopez from, and where was she born?
How old are Péter Kovács and Maria Lopez?
Who does Péter introduce Maria to, and what is her role?
What is Maria’s first impression of Hungary?
(Select text to see the answers)
Maria Lopez is from Spain and was born in Madrid.
Péter Kovács is 42 years old, and Maria Lopez is 32 years old.
Péter introduces Maria to Réka Nagy, his colleague.
Maria’s first impression of Hungary is very positive; she already likes the country.
Greetings and Introductions in Hungarian
Idegenvezető: Üdvözlöm! Hogyan segíthetek Önnek ma?
Translation: Guide: Welcome! How can I help you today?
Turista: Jó napot! Szeretnék lefoglalni egy városnéző túrát a környéken. Tud ajánlani valamit?
Translation: Tourist: Good afternoon! I’d like to book a sightseeing tour in the area. Can you recommend something?
Idegenvezető: Természetesen! A legnépszerűbb túránk a Duna-parti hajókirándulás, amely gyönyörű kilátást nyújt a város nevezetességeire.
Translation: Guide: Of course! Our most popular tour is the Danube riverside cruise, which offers beautiful views of the city’s landmarks.
Turista: Ez nagyszerűen hangzik! Mikor indul a következő hajó?
Translation: Tourist: That sounds great! When does the next boat depart?
Idegenvezető: Ma délután három órakor indul a következő járat. Előre kell foglalnia a jegyet.
Translation: Guide: The next trip departs at three o’clock this afternoon. You’ll need to book your ticket in advance.
Turista: Rendben, foglalni szeretnék két felnőtt és egy gyerek számára.
Translation: Tourist: All right, I’d like to book for two adults and one child.
Idegenvezető: Rendben, a jegyek összesen 18,000 forintba kerülnek. Bankkártyával vagy készpénzzel szeretne fizetni?
Translation: Guide: All right, the tickets cost a total of 18,000 forints. Would you like to pay by card or in cash?
Turista: Bankkártyával fizetek. Egyébként van még valami érdekes program, amit nem szabad kihagyni?
Translation: Tourist: I’ll pay by card. By the way, are there any other interesting activities we shouldn’t miss?
Idegenvezető: Igen, ajánlom, hogy látogassák meg a Gellért-hegyet is. A kilátás lenyűgöző, és a túra nem túl megerőltető.
Translation: Guide: Yes, I recommend visiting Gellért Hill as well. The view is stunning, and the hike is not too strenuous.
Turista: Milyen hosszú az út a hegyre? És szükségünk lesz valamilyen speciális felszerelésre?
Translation: Tourist: How long is the hike to the hill? And will we need any special equipment?
Idegenvezető: Az út körülbelül egy óra, és nincs szükség speciális felszerelésre, csak kényelmes cipőre és vízre.
Translation: Guide: The hike takes about an hour, and you won’t need any special equipment, just comfortable shoes and water.
Turista: Köszönöm a tanácsokat! Izgatottan várom a túrákat.
Translation: Tourist: Thank you for the advice! I’m excited about the tours.
Idegenvezető: Nagyon szívesen! Ha bármilyen kérdése van, forduljon hozzám bizalommal. Jó szórakozást kívánok!
Translation: Guide: You’re very welcome! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Have a great time!
What is the most popular tour mentioned, and why is it recommended?
How much do the tickets cost for two adults and one child?
What is needed for the hike to Gellért Hill?
What are the payment options offered for booking the tour?
(Select text to see the answers)
The Danube riverside cruise is the most popular tour, recommended for its beautiful views of the city’s landmarks.
The tickets cost a total of 18,000 forints.
Comfortable shoes and water are needed for the hike.
The payment options are by card or in cash.
Travelling in Hungary

Download our complete Hungarian language course below to learn Hungarian in 30 days and never be at a loss for words!
You will receive not only all the contents available on our website in a convenient pdf or epub formats but also additional contents, including bonus vocabulary, more grammar structures and exclusive cultural insights with additional vocabulary you won't in any other textbook.
The additional vocabulary includes 200 different topics and more than 15.000 of the most important words, including specific categories like sports, religion, business, professions, nationalities, politics, slang, anatomy, medicine, nature, animals, etc., to allow to speak about any imaginable topic with confidence.